Häufig gestellte Fragen
Study program #
Regular updates
We regularly update the questions and answers on this page to make it more up-to-date, relevant and user-friendly for you. Please help us by getting in touch with us.
When does the study program start?
hier zusammengestellt.
The course begins either at the start of the winter or summer semester. The regular courses take place during the lecture period, which does not start until after the semester has begun. However, there are often deadlines to be observed before the lecture period (e.g. introductory week, registration for courses). We have compiled information on important dates and deadlines in this study start portal here.
How long is a semester and when are semester breaks?
Der Begriff Semester beschreibt einen Zeitraum von sechs Monaten, also ein Studienhalbjahr. An Fachhochschulen dauert das Wintersemester i.d.R. von September bis Februar und das Sommersemester von März bis August. In jedem Semester gibt es einen Zeitraum, in dem Lehrveranstaltungen durchgeführt werden (Vorlesungszeit) und einen Zeitraum, in dem keine Lehrveranstaltungen stattfinden (vorlesungsfreie Zeit). Die Übersicht über die Semesterzeiten haben wir dir in diesem Studienstartportal verlinkt.
Die vorlesungsfreie Zeit wird häufig auch als Semesterferien bezeichnet. Du solltest jedoch beachten, dass während dieser Zeit die Prüfungen stattfinden oder in Ausnahmefällen auch Blockveranstaltungen angeboten werden. Häufig nutzen Studierende die vorlesungsfreie Zeit auch für Praktika oder Auslandsaufenthalte.
The term semester describes a period of six months, i.e. a half-year of study. At universities of applied sciences, the winter semester usually lasts from September to February and the summer semester from March to August. In each semester, there is a period in which courses are held (lecture period) and a period in which no courses are held (lecture-free period). We have linked the overview of the semester periods in this study start portal.
The lecture-free period is often referred to as the semester break. However, you should note that examinations take place during this time or, in exceptional cases, block courses are offered. Students often also use the lecture-free period for internships or stays abroad.
Where can I get my timetable?
Deinen Stundenplan musst du dir in jedem Semester selbst zusammenstellen. Informationen dazu erhältst du in der Einführungswoche. Wenn du bis dahin nicht warten möchtest, kannst du dir deinen Stundenplan auch vorher zusammenstellen und dafür die Tipps in diesem Studienstartportal verwenden.
Ein Video mit Erklärungen findest du auch in unserem Study Guide im Abschnitt Studieneingangsphase > Mein Studiengang > "das erste Semester - Der Einstieg und die ersten Module"
You have to put together your own timetable each semester. You will receive information on this during the induction week. If you don't want to wait until then, you can also put together your timetable beforehand using the tips in this study start portal.
You can also find a video with explanations in our Study Guide in the section Study entry phase > My degree program > “The first semester - Getting started and the first modules”
Study organization and support #
I have not received a Semesterticket/ Deutschland-Semesterticket, what now?
Wenn du trotz einer erfolgreichen Rückmeldung kein Semesterticket erhalten haben solltest, wende dich bitte an den ASTA der HSD. Hier erhältst du auch alle Informationen zum neuen Deutschland-Semesterticket (ab SoSe 2024). Bitte beachte auch, dass du mit dem neuen Ticket keine Personen oder Fahrräder mehr mitnehmen kannst.
Den Link zum Download des Tickets, sowie weitere Informationen findest du ebenfalls auf der Website der HSD unter Studium > Informationen für Studierende > Semesterticket.
If you have not received a semester ticket despite successful re-registration, please contact the ASTA of the HSD. Here you will also receive all information about the new Deutschland-Semesterticket (from SoSe 2024). Please also note that you can no longer take people or bicycles with you on the new ticket.
Information about the ticket
You can also find the link to download the ticket and further information on the HSD website under Studies > Information for students > Semester ticket.
How do I register for the courses?
Nur bestimmte Kurse setzen eine Anmeldung voraus - welche das sind, erfährst du immer im aktuellen Vorlesungsverzeichnis. Eine Anmeldung ist dann über den nachfolgenden Link möglich:
Im Study Guide findest du unter Studieneingangsphase > Studienorganisation ein Video zu "Anmeldungen zu Modulveranstaltungen" Hier erfährst du, was genau beachtet werden muss.
Only certain courses require registration - you can always find out which ones in the current course catalog. Registration is then possible via the following link:
Course registration via Sharepoint
In the Study Guide, you will find a video on “Registering for module courses” under Study entry phase > Study organization Here you can find out exactly what needs to be considered.
When and how do I register for my courses?
Take a look at the SharePoint registration page and search for your courses and registration deadlines. For most courses, the registration period begins one week after the course catalog is published. You should therefore register for your elective courses in good time, as some courses fill up quickly.
Please note: For some courses, such as project-seminar-thesis and language courses for first-year students or specializations, the start of the registration period may vary. You should also make sure that you have a stable internet connection so that you are not logged off during the 2-minute registration window!
If you end up on the waiting list despite registering quickly, there may have been many registrations at the same time, but don't worry: you will be informed when you move up!
Do I have to take the modules as specified in the curriculum?
No. You can find more detailed information in the Study Guide under Course of studies BBA full-time & Course of studies BBA part-time.
When and where do I have to register for an exam?
Registration for examinations takes place via eCampus and is possible during a time-limited registration phase, which is announced in advance on the notice board.
You can find instructions on the specific procedure in the Study Guide under Study entry phase > Examinations & grades > “Registering for module examinations”
Am I automatically registered for an exam in the next semester if I failed in the previous semester?
No, you must re-register for an examination.
Do I have to change to the new examination regulations?
No. If you started your studies according to the 2018 examination regulations, a change is voluntary. If you start your studies in winter semester 24/25, you will automatically study according to the new PO. The old PO will continue to apply until 2029 (for full-time students) and until 2034 (for part-time students).
Further information can be found in the Study Guide under Course of studies > New examination regulations.
Career and internships #
Where can I find internships and working student positions?
Praktikums- und Werkstudentenstellen, die dem Fachbereich von externen Anbietern zugesandt wurden, sind auf der Jobbörse des Fachbereiches zu finden. Darüber hinaus lohnt sich auch ein Blick in die LinkedIn-Gruppe des Fördervereins des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
Mit einem Nebenjob lässt sich nicht nur das Studium finanzieren, sondern auch Praxiserfahrung passend zur Studienrichtung sammeln und ein berufliches Netzwerk aufbauen. Für einen erfolgreichen Einstieg in das Studium empfehlen wir jedoch, sich in den ersten Semestern ausschließlich auf das Studium zu fokussieren und Nebenjobs nach Möglichkeit erst zu beginnen, wenn du vollständig im Studium „angekommen“ bist. Für Praktika eignet sich häufig auch die vorlesungsfreie Zeit.
Internship and working student positions sent to the department by external providers can be found on the department's job board. It is also worth taking a look at the LinkedIn group of the Faculty of Business and Economics support association.
A part-time job not only helps you to finance your studies, but also to gain practical experience in your field of study and build up a professional network. However, for a successful start to your studies, we recommend that you focus exclusively on your studies in the first few semesters and, if possible, only start part-time jobs once you have fully “arrived” in your studies. The lecture-free period is often also suitable for internships.
What career counseling options are available to me?
You can take advantage of various career counseling options - especially through the Career Service of Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. The Career Service accompanies you on your individual career path from the first to the last semester.
Whether you are looking for internships, part-time jobs or a career start, the Career Service will provide you with expert feedback for successful application procedures as well as professional support in the transition to a career.
to the Career Service
House hunting and everyday life in Düsseldorf #
Where can I find support when looking for accommodation in Düsseldorf?
Es stehen verschiedene Unterstützungsangebote für die Wohnungssuche in Düsseldorf zur Verfügung. Hier findest du eine Zusammenstellung:
There are various support services available for finding accommodation in Düsseldorf. You can find a list here:
Housing in Düsseldorf
Where can I find information on student sports programs?
Immatrikulierte Studierende sind berechtigt, kostenlos am Hochschulsport Düsseldorf teilzunehmen. Das aktuelle Angebot sowie Informationen zur Teilnahme findest du unter dem folgendem Link:
Enrolled students are entitled to take part in University Sports Düsseldorf free of charge. The current offer and information on participation can be found under the following link:
University Sports
How can I get support in the event of illness or other challenges?
Zusätzlich zu den fachbereichsspezifischen Beratungsdiensten bieten verschiedene Einrichtungen der HSD eine Vielzahl von Beratungsleistungen zu verschiedenen Themen an. Eine detaillierte Übersicht findest du auf der folgenden Seite.
In addition to the department-specific advisory services, various HSD facilities offer a wide range of advisory services on various topics. You can find a detailed overview on the following page.
Counseling overview
Financial support and resources #
Where can I find information on financial support and scholarships?
Hier findest du einen Überblick über verschiedene Möglichkeiten, dein Studium finanziell zu unterstützen.
Allgemeine Informationen zur Finanzierung
Erfahre mehr über verschiedene Stipendienprogramme, die aufgrund deiner akademischen Leistungen, deines persönlichen Hintergrunds oder deines Studienziels verfügbar sein könnten. Stipendien können eine wertvolle Quelle der Finanzierung sein und dir helfen, die Kosten deines Studiums zu decken.
Here you will find an overview of various options to support your studies financially.
General information on funding
Learn more about different scholarship programs that may be available based on your academic performance, personal background or study goal. Scholarships can be a valuable source of funding to help you cover the costs of your studies.
Where can I get technical IT support?
Die Campus IT bietet für alle Beschäftigten und Studierenden der HSD verschiedene Anlaufstellen für alle Fragen rund um die zentrale Informations-, Kommunikations-, und Medientechnik. Der Support bezieht sich auf alle angebotenen Services.
Campus IT offers all HSD employees and students various points of contact for all questions relating to central information, communication and media technology. Support is provided for all services offered.
Your question is not included? #

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Please think briefly about whether your question is relevant to you personally or whether it could also affect other students in our department and should be published here. We would appreciate your personal participation.
Your question could apply to all students?
Please send your question to the web team of the Department of Economics by e-mail. We will then discuss together whether we will publish your question.
Your question concerns you individually?
Please check our subpage for a suitable contact person for your personal request.
Your contacts